Friday, September 12, 2008

Questions of Sarah Palin Answered

All over the internet and through out the news there are questions about Sarah Palin. People are questioning her previous experiences, her decisions, and her beliefs. Her are some of those questions answered with facts and personal feelings on those questions. To be fair and balanced, I will be posting some of the questions and answers about Barrack Obama as well.

In my opinion there are plenty of real issues to be discussed about all the candidates, but the things that are keeping those issues from being discussed are a lot of rumors, innuendoes and lies. Let's get through them quickly and move on to the issues.

Note: These issues were brought up in a debate found on Mom Logic.

  1. She only opposed "Bridge to Nowhere" after the plan was publicly blasted.
  2. Yes, she was originally for the bridge. It was only after Congress was already nixing the idea that she became against it. Yes, she accepted the money that was originally FOR the bridge. Congress gave that money to the state to do with as it chose. Sarah Palin chose not to build the bridge. As much as we all hate it when politicians flip flop over some issue, it happens all the time. Personally, I’d rather have a politician who changes their stand on things because the people demand it, than for them to go against what the people want all the time. We’d all be pissed off, and generally are, when our government does not adhere to our wants.

  3. She got her first passport in 2006.
    Is this really an issue? Or is this an attempt at saying she doesn’t have enough foreign policy experience? I think it’s the latter. First, her state is the largest supplier of American Energy. And despite what some of the press would like to believe, energy is one of the foundations of national security and foreign relationships. If we relied more heavily on our own production of energy, we wouldn’t be in nearly as much danger from foreign nations. So although she may not be the most traveled nominee, her experience in our number one concern is more than enough to qualify her for the VP slot.

  4. When she was elected mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, she asked the city librarian to ban books.
    This is completely untrue. It doesn’t take much time to find the reality of this situation, but just in case people don’t feel “up to” looking it up, here are the facts. When Palin became mayor, she questioned most of the city staff in regards to their loyalty to her, the city or the previous government. Since she won because of the corruption of the previous government, it’s only natural that she would want to know where the staff stood. Part of her questioning of the Librarian was about her willingness to ban books if asked. That’s all it was. She never gave the librarian a list. She never told the librarian she had to ban any books, and no books were banned after Sarah Palin took office. Not that this really matters, because the VP doesn’t force anyone to ban a book in the country and decisions like that are via library district.

  5. She supports an abstinence-until-marriage sexual education program.
    As a woman, mother, pro-choicer, & daughter, I do not agree with this type of educational program. However, I also do not feel that my choice should keep others from feeling differently. Sex education doesn’t keep kids from getting pregnant, having sex, or getting sexually transmitted diseases. Parents can only do what they feel is right for their children, and hope that they’ve instilled enough good sense & knowledge, for their child to make good decisions. That being said, once your child goes out the door, their decisions are their own to make. Most will make a lot of bad decisions. Again, this is not something that the VP or the President has much say in. The school districts have control over what is taught in the public schools. Parents choose who’s running the school districts, so ultimately it’s the parent’s choices that matter.

  6. When her mother-in-law ran for the mayor of Wasilla after Palin was elected governor, she didn't endorse her
    George W. Bush’s mom didn’t vote for him when he ran for governor. That’s just how families are. I don’t know her mother-in-law, so I can’t say if I take her opinion as good or bad. She’s entitled to her opinion and her vote. Besides, how many MIL do you know that like their son’s wife? No matter how nice, good, intelligent the woman is some men’s mothers don’t like their wives. Again, this is not an issue for me.

  7. Palin's church has advertisements to help gay people "overcome homosexuality."
    I’m not sure how her church feels about gays ties into her VP selection. It’s not unusual for most churches to think that being gay is something that can be overcome. I don’t agree with that, but I don’t see how that makes any difference to Sarah Palin's nomination. They aren’t going to the funerals of AIDs victims telling them they are going to hell, with picket signs. This controversy sounds more like an attempt at retribution for Obama’s minster’s view on America and the American people in general. Her church isn’t teaching hate of gay people, they think they are trying to help them.

  8. She hid her pregnancy until her third trimester and went back to work three days after giving birth to Trig.
    Wait, which side is that on?? I can understand, especially as a governor, why she would want to hide her pregnancy. The mere asking this question proves the point precisely WHY she would want to hide her pregnancy. And your concern for working moms is quite contradictory. You can’t be upset with Palin for hiding her pregnancy AND be upset that she went back to work 3 days later. It proves she has the resiliency to be able to put her responsibilities to her people ahead of her own feelings. Just like any man would in the same position.

  9. She has no idea what her job will be if she's elected.
    This is one of the quotes that were taken out of context. It was a flippant answer during an interview, which in hindsight (which is always 20/20) is a bad choice of words. Much like another candidate who chose his words unwisely during an interview or two… and during a speech or two.

  10. She has a travel crib in her Anchorage office and a baby swing in her Juneau one.
    WOOHOO! I’ll bet that every mom and possibly dad in the capital office is able to do exactly the same thing. I think this is totally acceptable and wonderful. Good for her!

  11. Palin attended 6 colleges in 6 years.
    If all of the arguments against Governor Palin are going to be completely non-issues, why bother bringing them up. If everything we did as young adults were used against us in every job we applied for, none of us would be working! Especially when it comes to college! Not everyone can afford to go to an Ivy League. Not everyone qualifies for a full scholarship. Not everyone has a stable life from cradle to grave where they can stay in one place. I say good for her that she graduated college! She obviously was committed to finishing; otherwise she wouldn’t have continued to go to the various colleges until she found one that suited her needs.

  12. Now that we have all of these ridiculous non-issues out of our system, can we move on to what really matters? Lipstick!

    You can find most of these facts on Sarah Palin at

    Christine is a single mom, homeschooling her two teenage sons and working from home. You can find more of Christine’s writing at Best HomeSchool Place, Mixed Bag Politics and Wyndsong's Whisperings