Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Who's Got the Most Experience?

Both the Democratic & the Republican presidential candidates have experienced and relative inexperienced nominees on their tickets. Each side is saying that the other doesn't have the experience it takes to do the job. Who does have the most experience, and does it matter to you?

The Democrats

Senator Barrack Obama has 2 years as the Illinois State Senator, and 6 years in the Illinois state senate. He is on three of the four Senate Committees dealing with foreign policy issues including the Foreign Relations; Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; and Veterans' Affairs committees and is the Chair of the Foreign Relations Subcommittee on European Relations which is responsible fore U.S. relations with European countries, the European Union, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (i.e., NATO). He also graduated from Columbia University with a degree in political science with an emphasis on international relations.

Senator Joe Biden has been U.S. Senator, from 1972-present, serving as chair on the Judiciary (1987-1995) and Foreign Relations (2001-2003) committees. He's got foreign policy experience, and has traveled throughout the world many times. His 30+ years in Senate have given a lot of experience in the Legislative Branch, but none in the Exective branch of any part of the government.

The Republicans

Senator John McCain has been in the Senate since 1982. He has been a leader in being bipartisan, and reaching across the isle to work with others from all parties on issues that he felt were important. From working on imigration laws, to finance & spending reform, John McCain has been a leader in bipartisanship.

Governor Sarah Palin is the only person on either ticket that has Executive Branch experience. She has been governor of the State of Alaska for 2 years. Serving 2 terms on the City Council of her home town of Wasilla, AK from 1992 - 1996. Going on to serve as Mayor of the same city in 1996 until she chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003 to 2004 while also serving as Ethics Supervisor of the commission. In 2006, Sarah Palin became Alaska's first female Governor, becuase of her stance on corruption in her party and in the state.

My View

Experience has been a key issue during this election, and it's just gotten bigger with Sarah Palin being picked for the Vice President nominee for the Republican party. Both tickets have experienced and inexperienced people running, however they are not equally so. If you look at their backgrounds and look at what each have accomplished, only one person comes out as "inexperienced".

How much does experience matter to your vote? I know how much it matters to my vote. It matters to me, that the presidential nominee should be the one with the most experience. I want the person that I vote for president, to have a life time of personal experiences, along with a lifetime of government experience. In a time when we are still fighting terrorists, when there is an energy crisis going on, we need someone who knows how to fight and take command. Not someone who will learn "on the job"!

When it comes to the Vice President, I want someone who will be able to back up the president. Someone who can and will work with everyone in all parties, to get the job done. That person doesn't need as much experience as the president. They do need strength and conviction.

When I look at the tickets, side by side, I can see clearly which side has the most experience. Not only in running a government, but in staying true to our country and what we stand for. There is clearly a ticket that holds conviction and strength in doing what they feel is right.

That's what is important to me. What is important to you?